Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tides of War

Exhausted, you flee from the lumbering behemoth while wondering how long your stamina will hold out. Your wounds bleed heavily, draining your life force with every step. Each move you make must be carefully planned if you are going to bring this beast down. Within seconds, the monster is nearly upon you.. it opens it's yellowed jaws wide, acidic saliva dripping from it's gaping maw, and lets forth a bellowing roar. When all seems lost, you are struck by a sudden confidence. The creature's weakness is clear, and you have a new surge of strength. The fickle Goddesses of Fate have looked down upon your battle, and decided it was you who would live today.

Welcome to ToW! This blog is going to follow the creation of a new, free to play pen and paper Role Playing Game that will be available through If you have an interest in game design, role-playing, fantasy worlds, monsters, magic, or math then stick around for the ride.

Previews of the game will be posted here while we wait for the site to launch, as well as playtest logs, incoming art, design ideas, stories written of the world, and sneak peaks.

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