Friday, March 19, 2010

Learning The Code As I Go Along

The website is up! I'm super learning a lot of programing as this comes along. I made a custom template for this blog, and as you can see it's still a work in progress. I might have to just take the fundamentals of the main site, rather then a straight copying of the look. I am 85% of the way done with weapons and their trees, and should finish up today if I can peel myself away from the coding.

As I'm going along, I'm pondering the process of the character developer tool. Since Tides is going digital, and I want to make it a requirement to physically go to the site to be able to generate a character, this is going to be the biggest deal for launch. Since I'm teaching myself complicated coding as I go along, I am up to my neck in variables and SQL. The character builder itself looks like it'll be the easiest part. (Albeit time consuming!) The saving a character, converting that info into printable .pdfs and character cards... that'll be the though bit. I might need to hire a true web developer to point me in the right direction.

Another project underway today is the point-based development tool. This will help pinpoint exactly how much you can do per point of Stamina, for players and monsters. Once that is made, anyone can just plop the values into a cool spell or maneuver, and know it'll be balanced for the game. If you want a big budget spell, you can negate some stamina cost by making it a Charge attack, or subtracting some Accuracy. This will help me iron out the rest of the trees for the new system a lot quicker as well.

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